User talk:Zesty Cactus

From Bulbagarden Archives


Hi. If you think an image should be deleted, just write {{delete}} on it, and one of the administrators will sort it out. That's easier than blanking the page because it puts it in a category of images to be deleted. Thanks! — THE TROM10:21, 31 March 2009 (UTC)Reply


Make sure that you put categories on every image you upload.This helps other people find images later, and prevents duplicates. Please make sure to put as many appropriate categories on your images every time. Each Pokémon has a category, and the rest can be found here. Maverick Nate 18:01, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, I didn't realize I was supposed to do that. I'll try and remember to categorize everything from now on. Zesty Cactus 18:03, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply
Category:Ash Ketchum, and also, you can put the categories right into the summary box in the upload screen. Maverick Nate 21:34, 6 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

PokéSpe Covers

For the Pokémon Special/Adventures covers, try to categorize them into Category:Pokémon Special cover artwork for Japanese covers and Category:Pokémon Adventures cover artwork for any English Adventures-related book. --☆Coolピカチュウ! 20:10, 30 August 2009 (UTC)Reply

Code layout

Every image gets a summary, also categories go at the bottom of pages. Also, make sure that pages look like the following example:


Description of the image


{{fairuse tag}}

[[Category:The category name]]

Please make sure each page looks like that. MaverickNate 01:08, 1 September 2009 (UTC)Reply


Modifications to the delete template have been made. Next time type {{delete|reason}} so the (lazy? ;p) admins don't have to look through the edit summary to see why it ought to be vaporized. —darklordtrom 07:33, 12 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Alright. Thanks for letting me know. Zesty Cactus 22:48, 12 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Next time instead of uploading a duplicate so you can have a specific filename, an administrator can {{move}} the file to the better name for you. —darklordtrom 01:49, 19 October 2009 (UTC)Reply

Better... but be more specific which file it's duplicating. Thanks! ht14 05:03, 13 December 2009 (UTC)Reply
Duh... sorry guys. T_T Zesty Cactus 05:04, 13 December 2009 (UTC)Reply


When you're adding the licensing, you may as well categorize and add a summary... ht14 03:03, 13 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

I have to ask

Why exactly are you uploading the Chapter covers as Jpgs? I mean we already have png versions of the images you're uploading..

For example...

I mean...I just went through each jpg and replaced them with pngs...and it feels kind of a waste to have them replaced by jpgs again..-_- no offense though..Ataro 23:17, 14 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Anyways, think you can just upload them as pngs over the old files since they have the title in them? Thanks --Psyライダー 01:22, 15 November 2010 (UTC)Reply
The reason why I'm switching them is because we're switching all manga chapters to having the title page as the main image... my scanner automatically saves everything as .jpg, though I guess I could convert it to .png in paint or something. Zesty Cactus 02:32, 15 November 2010 (UTC)Reply


Thanks for all the hard work you've done on the Archives. Welcome aboard the new team. I trust that you will use your new magical powers well and help keep this place organized. Have fun! (but not too much fun, this is work remember!) Jellotalk 09:23, 6 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thank you Jello! \o/ I'll try my best to help out more XD --ZestyCactus 18:08, 6 January 2011 (UTC)Reply


Do you know which chapter you got this image from? Pattyman 03:06, 15 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

It is from GB10 - "A Huge Mysterious Tree!!" from volume two. --ZestyCactus 06:05, 15 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

Nom nom

I love cactuses. They're so delicious. They're better with age probably. Where is Psy going with this? Your work and dedication to helping the Archives has earned you a Senior Administrator rank. Keep up the good work. 8D --P S Yライダー 21:07, 23 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Wow, man! Thank you so much!! \o/ i shall use my, er, ability to supress redirects wisely XD --ZestyCactus 03:03, 24 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

While you're at it

Can you upload images of the rest of Shū's Pokémon? Pattyman 01:42, 22 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

I will be doing it. I just got the books in the mail from France earlier this week so once i clean up the image categories i will be scanning those books soooo much 8D --ZestyCactus 01:43, 22 October 2011 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, can't wait to see this (after you're done with the image categories). Pattyman 01:46, 22 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

Have an image to add to a page

Hello Zesty, I have an image of the trophy I received from the winner of the Pokémon 2000 Stadium Tour tournament. I was wondering how I would submit it to the site and add it to the page & article I wrote since I don't have permission to upload. --Zakurowrath 02:52, 7 December 2011 (UTC)Reply

If you haven't been autoconfirmed for uploading new files yet, if it's good for you you can upload it to a third-party host (such as Photobucket?) and I can upload it for you from that link (I can give you credit in the summary). --ZestyCactus 21:31, 7 December 2011 (UTC)Reply

I fixed the problem, everytime I went to the archive page it logged me out for some reason. Thanks for the help! --Zakurowrath 09:17, 8 December 2011 (UTC)Reply


Uhm scans or pictures from the manga should be jpg or png ?----DJWolfy 22:02, 7 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

I would prefer png format if possible - it expands and shrinks better in thumbnails and the image quality is usually better. --ZestyCactus 22:40, 7 June 2012 (UTC)Reply
That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure.----DJWolfy 09:42, 8 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Bigger cover scan for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team

Hi, could you upload this cover scan in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team article on Bulbapedia? It's a much bigger resolution: [1] I would upload it myself, but I don't have the rights and maybe not the knowledge either. - unsigned comment from PokeAwesome94 (talkcontribs)

Should be good to go. --ZestyCactus 02:37, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Add Phantom Thief! Pokémon V article to Pokémon manga article's Original stories section

Hi, could you add the Phantom Thief! Pokémon V article to the Pokémon manga article. It should be in the Original stories section. I tried editing it myself and I almost got it done, but I couldn't write the html code (or whatever code it is) good enough. I would be grateful if you could help me with this. - unsigned comment from PokeAwesome94 (talkcontribs)

Should be good to go as well. Just try to copy the wikicode from the other entries, like by copying and pasting a similar entry then changing the information. That's mostly how I learned ^^' --ZestyCactus 02:37, 9 June 2012 (UTC)Reply