Category:Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit
From Bulbagarden Archives
The following images are related to the Japanese Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
Media in category "Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit"
The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.
MewtwoVSGenesectDeckKit.jpg 1,173 × 1,280; 952 KB
MewtwoVSGenesectDeckKitContents.jpg 1,250 × 1,150; 871 KB
MG Red Genesect Coin.png 400 × 401; 315 KB
Pokemon Center Tournament Deck Prizes 2013.png 671 × 468; 404 KB
MewtwoLegendaryTreasures53.jpg 750 × 1,039; 306 KB
MisdreavusLegendaryTreasures57.jpg 750 × 1,054; 375 KB
MismagiusLegendaryTreasures58.jpg 750 × 1,049; 324 KB
SableyeLegendaryTreasures61.jpg 750 × 1,042; 347 KB
WoobatLegendaryTreasures64.jpg 750 × 1,043; 352 KB
SwoobatLegendaryTreasures65.jpg 750 × 1,045; 359 KB
GothitaLegendaryTreasures70.jpg 750 × 1,055; 346 KB
SolosisLegendaryTreasures74.jpg 750 × 1,045; 301 KB
CrushingHammerEmergingPowers92.jpg 734 × 1,024; 156 KB
GreatBallEmergingPowers93.jpg 734 × 1,024; 162 KB
SwitchBlackWhite104.jpg 734 × 1,024; 154 KB
PokémonCatcherEmergingPowers95.jpg 734 × 1,024; 164 KB
RockyHelmetNobleVictories94.jpg 750 × 1,048; 217 KB
CherenEmergingPowers91.jpg 734 × 1,024; 169 KB
BiancaEmergingPowers90.jpg 734 × 1,024; 169 KB
DoubleColorlessEnergyNextDestinies92.jpg 750 × 1,040; 157 KB
PsychicEnergyBlackWhite109.jpg 734 × 1,024; 114 KB
TangelaLegendaryTreasures1.jpg 750 × 1,054; 353 KB
TangrowthLegendaryTreasures2.jpg 750 × 1,042; 346 KB
CherubiLegendaryTreasures4.jpg 750 × 1,044; 304 KB
CarnivineLegendaryTreasures5.jpg 750 × 1,036; 326 KB
SewaddleLegendaryTreasures10.jpg 750 × 1,046; 324 KB
DwebbleLegendaryTreasures13.jpg 750 × 1,046; 294 KB
CrustleLegendaryTreasures14.jpg 750 × 1,040; 373 KB
GenesectLegendaryTreasures16.jpg 750 × 1,044; 342 KB
EnergySwitchBlackWhite94.jpg 734 × 1,024; 157 KB
GiantCapeDragonsExalted114.jpg 740 × 1,038; 163 KB
GrassEnergyBlackWhite105.jpg 734 × 1,024; 119 KB