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From Bulbagarden Archives
Revision as of 19:03, 15 January 2024 by Rustle (talk | contribs) (Shiny and new!)
Welcome to the Bulbagarden Archives!

The Bulbagarden Archives is the central image repository for Bulbapedia and the rest of Bulbagarden. The Archives host the sprites, screenshots, scans and animations used to illustrate the encyclopedia and Bulbagarden's other projects. We do not seek to store every Pokémon-related image on the internet, merely those relevant to Bulbapedia and news services that Bulbagarden provides. You're welcome to browse for a while, if you wish, or make an account to start contributing.

We have 253,767 uploaded files.

If you have any questions, first see the FAQ page. If this doesn't help, find an active staff member. They'll point you in the right direction.

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The Bulbagarden Archives are a part of Bulbagarden